Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Death of Bieber

Is it just me that pictures the two girls from Baby Got Back saying this,

"Oh My Gawd! Becky, look at her hair. It is sooo butch."
"Honey, that's just Justin Bieber.

I hate on the brother a lot, but he's got it going on right now. He's like herpes. He'll keep coming back.
Author Note: I in fact do not have herpes. Thank You.

So when I titled this blog; I was going in a totally different direction, but my cognitive abilities overwhelmed my senseless hate of this 16-year-old boy. Anyways I'm going to give the boy his props. I just hope he doesn't get addicted to cocaine or meth. Well maybe that would be a little entertaining.

So after you just read that very A.D.D introduction you're probably wondering something along these lines, "Cody, what on earth are you talking about." (and THAT my friends is the nice version) Well good people of the internets I'll tell you exactly what I'm talking about. (crickets chirping)... I got nothing.

Ok so let us dear friends go back to February of last year. No, I did not have a girlfriend that looked like your boyfriend. (I just made that up. Aren't I clever? NO!) We're gonna check up on a couple of bands I introduced you to that day.

First off: Mistress Stephanie and Her Melodic Cat.

I know what you guys are thinking. "Really again." I really am in your head I swear. To my newer readers let me introduce you. Click Here for Instant Brain Damage 

They have an album and I am never going to Austin. THE END!

You say "Cody, why did you just waste my time." I say, "Because I'm evil."

Now lets get serious. (really took awhile huh?)

Big If: The frontmen of two wonderfully awesome rock bands and they have yet to produce an album or be signed. This might have something to do with what I'm currently freaking out about. And if there is a God someone will buy it for me for my birthday. See Yellowcard.

Yellowcard! I'm giddy with excitement boys and girls.

This is Yellowcard's upcoming album
When You're Through Thinking, Say Yes
To be released on March 22. Yes the week of my birthday. Who wants me to love them like a new puppy? Also, Former Reeve Oliver frontman and Big If co-frontman. Sean O' Donnell is Yellowcard's new bassist.

So now that I'm done trippin', lets check out what came out this week.

Iron & Wine
You guys may know them from the Twilight soundtrack, which is cool and all, but their new release is not at all what I expected. It's called "Kiss Each Other Clean" and sounds nothing like a Sam Beam led band. I wondered if iTunes had made a mistake. Still awesome though. If you like The Boxer Rebellion and BRMC then this album is for you. It's got a edgy feel to it which is completely different than their pretty vocals of the past. If you liked "The Creek Drank the Cradle" don't expect it to sound anything like that.

Cold War Kids:
Released Mine is Yours a couple days ago, and I am in love. I must admit that I was not a fan until this album came out. So that says a lot about how much they have evolved their sound. They no longer sound like hyperactive children jumping on a piano. Much respect.

What I missed.

Corrine Bailey Rae who is a wonderful musician has a new EP out called The Love
Rise Against has a new single out called Help is on the Way
Foster the People who I've been following on my_ has Foster the People EP out. FINALLY!
Say Hi is amazing. The new album Um, Uh Oh is my favorite from them. and is the best album released this year. So far...

Artists of the Week
Four Year Strong
My Chemical Romance and their song Vampire Money
Jon Foreman
The Almost

Upcoming Albums to be excited about.
15th Bright Eyes: The People's Key
1st Dropkick Murphys: Going Out In Style
8th Dance Gavin Dance: Downtown Mountain Battle ptII
      The Human Abstract: Digital Veil
       Aaron Gillespie: Anthem Song
22nd The Strokes: TBA
         Yellowcard: When You're through Thinking, Say Yes

I'm sure I missed some, so you guys comment on the Facebook Page, Twitter, right here, anywhere I can see and tell me what you guys are excited about.

Don't forget to Retweet, Share on FB. Whatever it is you kids do. I love you all

One Love,