Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Welcome From The Tempo

Hello to those unfortunate enough to be reading this. For my first blog I thought I'd tell you a little about what will be discussed here and why.

First off I shall introduce myself (I'm sure as time goes by I will update my profile on here). I am an aspiring writer and musician attending The University of Tennessee at Knoxville. GO VOLS! For those of you still reading this I applaud you. I'm assuming a number of you know me personally and it means a lot to me that you are reading this. I'm a journalism and electronic media major here at UT and I enjoy writing in many different forms. I write poetry, fiction, and now I have started this blog. A little earlier I called myself a musician. While true the only instrument I'm anywhere close to being good at is drums. This however does not reflect true enough my knowledge of music or anything rather. Ok maybe it does. Maybe we should talk about something else.

This Week's Tempo is a brand new, groundbreaking (this is laughable) blog about the true nature of music (not just the stuff you hear on your music box). I want to discuss many different types of music and the facets they command. I will also do album reviews when I do hear some good new album and I hope I can share with you so that you may listen. I will have a new post every week for sure but you may see some biweekly stuff if I just can't wait to share, or if it looks like I will have way too much information for one blog..You will get bored reading. For those of you still reading this you have more patience and are far more understanding than I. This is my first blog of my unillustrious career that I hope to expand into my future. This is my baby but any comments, suggestions, critiques, hate mail, fan mail, or love letters can be sent to my email address or you may leave a comment.

So without any furthur to do have a good week!!!
